The Secret of the Child and the Sage's Peace: A Tale of Surrender and Rest
oct 25
1 min read
Once upon a time, there was an old sage named Marichi, who dedicated his life to meditation and study. Marichi had a young grandson who watched him every day, fascinated by the calmness his grandfather radiated. This child had a deep desire to learn to meditate like him, but he often found it hard to sit still without getting distracted.
One day, the child approached the sage and confessed his frustration: "Grandfather, I want to be like you, calm and at peace, but it’s so difficult for me to stay still." The old man smiled and, instead of speaking, knelt on the ground, lowered his torso, and placed his forehead on the ground, resting his arms back alongside his body. "This is the posture of surrender and rest, dear child," he said. "When you adopt it, imagine you’re surrendering to the earth, as if returning to the arms of Mother Earth, trusting that she will care for you."
The child tried to imitate him, and as he did so, he felt a deep peace and security in the embrace of the ground. This posture, called Balasana or Child’s Pose, became his favorite and taught him that, like a child, he could always find refuge in calmness and start again.
Since then, the Child’s Pose reminds us of the importance of surrendering from time to time, of trusting and resting, so we can continue the journey of life.